It had to happen – Kiwis LOVE travel and Europe is bursting with amazing festivals and events that we’d never experience back home. So we linked up with our mates from Stoke Travel to launch our own “KIL – On Tour” brand to get you to the hottest and most iconic happenings in Europe!
Want to ski in Andorra? Take part in a wine fight? Learn to surf? Run with the bulls? Or even sink some bubbles with the King at Ascot? We got you! Don’t forget we’ll also take you to the mighty Oktoberfest, the biggest baddest party of them all!
Why travel with us? KIL members get free unlimited alcohol every day just by quoting KIL when you buy! We’ll also throw in some merch or other cool exclusives just for being so damn awesome!
Want to see what else we have on offer? Click here & get on board!
We also run Monthly events in bars around London with an average of 250+ Kiwis (and Aussies) with the goal to make new friends, enjoy the hospitality of different venues and have a good time! We also host a number of sporting and travel events too – both in the UK and Europe!
See below for all upcoming events and why not subscribe to our events?