Useful links

In here we have useful links to make life here a little easier!

Don’t want to go home yet?
Looking for options after London? Explore how Nomaden Berlin can help you relocate to Germany!

Kiwi Bars in London
Sadly the days of packed Kiwi bars full of familiar accents have gone!  Your best bet now is to attend our Monthly Drinks to find Kiwis!

Where to find Kiwi gigs in London/UK?

Check out Spacific where you can find when and where Kiwis bands are coming to play here!

Know a good VPN?
Surfshark for the win!

Kiwi Organisations in London

Kiwis in Property UK – a business networking group for any kiwis working in the London property scene – investors, developers, agents, architects, lawyers etc. KIP  run regular networking breakfast events featuring high profile kiwi speakers as well as social get togethers. They also help new arrivals find work in the property sector. Contact for more information.

The New Zealand Society
 – these guys do a lot of good for the community and host their meetings in the rather enviable penthouse at New Zealand House, a view that all Kiwis must see while in London.

Kea –  A global community of Kiwis and friends of NZ who help one another through networking. Some very prominent Kiwis are involved with Kea both here and around the world.

New Zealand Business Women’s Network –  have connections to some of the most successful businesswomen both here in London and abroad. They meet regularly focusing on networking and the power of having a strong group of women who understand the unique challenges of succeeding in a foreign business world.

The New Zealand High Commission – We hope you don’t need these guys!  However they are our very invaluable representatives here in London, working to improve rights to the UK for us.
They also deal with passports and if you need to report a lost passport or have urgent issues, click here!
Also get onto Safe Travel which is the global consular website!

Too many people are told to “go contact the embassy” when needing help, but we recommend asking us first if it’s UK Visa related (the embassy does not do UK visas) 😉 They cannot do anything involving staying in the UK or getting you a UK visa!

Engineering New Zealand – UK Branch They provide members of Engineering New Zealand who are resident in or visiting the UK, and other interested individuals, the services provided by Engineering New Zealand to its members, including acting as a vehicle for members to contact and meet each other. The branch committee organise a number of events each year including social gatherings, technical meetings and visits to sites of engineering interest

Sending Money home?!

Kiwis in London has Partnered with Halo Financial to offer Kiwis in London members great exchange rates and no fees for sending money home, to the UK or anywhere in the world.
Geraldine Collett, Business Development Manager for Halo Financial (also a Kiwi in London) says “It’s fantastic to be able to offer fellow Kiwis an easy, friendly, cost effective service for transferring money worldwide!”