Welcome to our F.A.Q.

Our Frequently Asked Questions are famous because we have managed to crunch all the information you need into one place – all thanks to YOU, the members of our community. You are the ones who pass on information to us so that we can share it with others! If you have anything to share, you can drop us a DM at Kiwis in London!

We have made the FAQs easier to navigate as they are really long! That is why we have broken it up into different pages and sections for easy reading.

Do not forget we have designated areas for jobs and flats to make life easier for the hundreds of people who scroll our pages every day. If you’re not sure, click here for Job info and here for flatting info.

General Advice – Pre Arrival, Signing documents, Buses, Churches, ID cards, Greenstone etc
How to! How to get the National Insurance Number, Get a GP, Insurance, Banking…
Visas – BRP cards, Passports – Coming into the UK, Egates, Visas for other countries too
Accommodation, setting up flats etc
The NHS – Doctors, Dentists!
Employment, finding work etc
Driving licenses and driving insurance
Shipping stuff home, customs fees etc – incl sending bags to UK and NZ!
Travel advice, Travel insurance – incl Schengen Zone advice! Find the best travel insurance options here!
Your well-being, Events, Life in London
Kiwi Food and Drink, The Cafes – incl Kiwi pies in London, wine, beer and food!
Sunday – Fathers Day